There are Nine powerful ways to earn money and become a millionaire in DeepBlue. Each of the Nine ways are independently capable of making you very wealthy and very happy.

 Members of DeepBlue are called LifePartners.  When one registers into DeepBlue, he is identified within a category. These categories are as follows;

The Artists, The Business class or entrepreneur, The Professionals and The Inventor, while on membership the person could join as Independent, Junior Starter, Business Manager or the Elite Class.  One can remain on each of these categories and make maximum impact and great wealth. However, members are encouraged to upgrade to the elite class which enables them to join a Production cell. Major Production and educational activities take place within the Production Cell.

reffered to as simply RRB is the money received as you introduce a new lifepartner to DeepBlue. A new Life partner registers with 200 dollars . When a new Life partner is introduced to the Family, the senior partner who brought the new lifepartner to the family is instantly rewarded with a 40% of the total amount for the registeration and this amount equates to 80 dollars if only 200 dollars is contributed at the point of registeration and joining the family. Note here that in DeepBlue, Once a member brings and helps to register a new member, the person that introduced you to the family is regarded as your Senior Partner. When a senior Partner accumulates up to 4000 points he becomes a “House leader 1”.

As you rent films from the site to Watch, you are compensated with personal points referred to as PP; and also Residual Point referred to as RP. The PP is the point which you are compensated with for making a purchase whereas the RP is the point which your senior Partner will receive. The financial Value of the points are calculated and paid to you and your senior partner every month.

Here your residual points is calculated to the 5th generation and the calculated accumulation is paid to your bank account or to your Deep Blue VISA card at month end.

This is how it is calculated;

Films are rented for a minimum of $10 per movie or $100 per series. In other to activate this plan, a life partner most make an PP point of 100 points. This means a purchase of 10 movies for the month or a series for the month. Once acquired an RP of 100 points is distributed to all the upliners that has activated their business plan for the month up to the 5thgeneragtion.

This is the first of its type, Deepblue believes that without the audience there would not be no performance, so we seek to encourage the viewer with reward. So one who engages with watching our movies is also at work, so the more movies you watch, the more time you spend watching a movie is calculated into your viewershipPersonal point WPP and you are compensated with cash

When one enters into DeepBlue he remains as an ordinary member or Business Manager, but when he joins a Production  Cell, he will be required to pay an additional upgrade fee of 400 dollars. This amount varies from country to country. On admission into this cell, he will entilled to receive 20% RRB. anytime he introduces a new member into the Cell. The example above concerns a business manager upgrading to elite class. Such upgrade is also allowed from the independent member or Juniour Starter. The concerned upliner in the examples above will be rewarded with an upgrade commission.

This is 2% of all company profit in a month shared to Directors that has qualified. It is a very powerful programs that sustains the financial stability of the life partner

As your works are published you will receive payments and royalties depending on the contract reached with the owners of the content. This payment goes directly to the individual owner of content.

When a cell completes a Production, Deepblue family buys the work instantly and the proceeds from the movie is shared among members of the cell. This is instant buyout and payment.

Even when the Movie has been bought over by Deep Blue, the royalties and other revenues coming from the distribution of the movie will be shared to members of the cell, with regards to level of participation

When one is ranked up to 36,000 points a car is given. Also a car is given to a member of a cell, each time a movie from the cell sells up to 100,000 dollars. Each member of a cell will qualify for a car if the movie sells above 1 million dollars.

The Deep Blue Family is made up of cells, A cell comprises of 12 people.

Admission into a cell is mostly by reference. Admission into a cell is by the standard fee of 600 dollars depending on the country.

All operational activity takes place within the celle. Members can raise finance and can organize programs. Deep Blue is a global theater group with whose objective is a self help business partnership within the area of Movie Productions

Each member of a cell will qualify for a car if the movie sells above 1 million dollars and a house to each member of the Cell if the film sells above 2 million dollars.



1. House Leader 1 : 4000 POINTS

2. House Leader 2 : 5000 POINTS

3. House Leader 3 : 6000 POINTS


4. Gold Manager 1 :  7000 POINTS

5. Gold Manager 2 : 8000 POINTS


1. Family Leader 1 : 10000 POINTS

2. Family Leader 2 : 14000 POINTS

3. Family leader  3  : 18000 POINTS


1. Family Director 1      : 24000 POINTS

2. Family Director 2      : 28000 POINTS

3. White Gold Director : 32000 POINTS

4. Blue Gold Director    : 36000 POINTS

5. Platinum Director  1  : 45000 POINTS 

6. Platinum Director 2  : 50000 POINTS

7. Platinum Director 3  : 55 000 POINTS


1. White Platinum Executive : 65000 POINTS

2. Blue Platinum Executive : 75000 POINTS

3. Diamond Executive : 85000 POINTS

4. Royal Diamond Executive : 95000 POINTS

5. Royal white Diamond : 120 000 POINTS

6. Royal Black Diamond : 200,000 points

7. Royal Blue Diamond : 350,000 points

8. Blue Patron : 500,000 points